Actualités | datalex vos avocats 4.0


In this Article we discuss the results of the « Out Of Control » report, from the Norwegian Consumer Council, which outlines how the personal data of consumers of online dating platforms are exploited.

In this interview, Dr Ludovic Tirelli & Gabriel Avigdor tell you more about &

datalex llc is a Swiss company owned by Swiss qualified lawyers providing legal services to local and foreign businesses. As subject matters experts, our partners explain the three pillars of datalex & Penalex and the guiding principles behind those legal platforms.

Also, you will learn more about their background, expertise, experience & knowledge and the benefits of using those digital legal platforms.

The German Federation of Consumer Organisations has challenged before the German courts the use by the German company, Planet49, of a pre-ticked checkbox in connection with online promotional games, by which internet users wishing to participate consent to the storage of 1 cookies. The cookies in question aim to collect information for the purposes of […]